Our Approach
Every person is different and in Websites & Social Media... one size DOES NOT fit all. We're passionate about helping people reach their goals and live their dreams. We understand the tech world and we work hard to translate your specific wants into the needs of your online presence or marketing. Your business is YOURS. Our business is doing the tech stuff that gets in the way.
Our Story
Finding a good web developer shouldn't be a minefield. We know the headaches of having a "Web Master" you can't get a hold of, or one that lets your products expire, or insert other miserable story here. This is a competent team that can communicate, follow thru, and get it done!

Meet the Team
We work hard to make sure the best idea finds the light. Then we work together to make it work for your web presence.
Say Hello to your small army of nerds!

Anthony Kirk
The Nerd with a Plan
I love learning new things, solving problems, and helping people. I do what I love by being a nerd for hire. Creative solutions is my strong suit. I thrive when given puzzles like how to make a business "win the internet".

Sailor Web
Chandra is a long time digital nerd with an eye for design. Recently made the jump from making pretty images to building beautiful websites. Her attention to detail will embarrass you as it does me.

Furious Nerd Herder
Ashley is a professional, with a real doctorate and more real credentials than we have space to list. She helps keep us all on track and make sure your online brand is on point! Star Trek, Stargate, D&D this Command Monk gets stuff done.

The Trekkie Dungeon Master
Randy is into many things such as games, streaming, Star Trek, and family life, but he still finds time for his friends. From Marine to Geek he loves to be himself and play D&D. When he runs out of money for energy drinks we put his computer degree to work for you.

Code Herder with a Pixel Whip
I'm Kirstie, rhymes with thirsty. Design is my superpower and computers have been my thing since elementary school. When I was a kid, I shared my websites with friends on floppy disks or edited Myspaces - I was very, very cool. Now, I love to research and construct premium business solutions for my clients who have actual reasons for being on the internet. I am even cooler than before and my mom is very proud of me.

Advertiser Extaordinaire
Alex runs fantastic ad campaigns in many industries by combining sales, phsycology, personality, and a big'ol brain full of knowledge on how online ads work. He's also the founder of beardedcrew.com. His beard oil & accoesories company.

Jason Lama
A Sales Dynamo
A literal lifetime of sales experience bundled into one human brain that knows exactly how to sell YOUR product to ANY customer. Having Jason in our corner has been invaluable & having him in your corner is for sale!

Photo Fairy
A great photographer who has been tinkering with Photoshop and other media modification tools since childhood. Some people doodle, some work out, others eat and breathe. Krystal coaxes staggering beauty out of pixels. Also, she's a lawyer now...

Graphics Wizard
Logan does more than just make things look cool. With years of art and design training, he is constantly honing his craft to make sure that his creations are timeless and effective. Some call it “graphical wizardry”; he prefers actual wizardry.
It's Time
I built you a dream team.
The best of the best.
DO NOT WAIT to find out what we can do for you.